Skills in Demand Visa will replace the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) Visa with a three-tiered system based on applicants’ annual wages and employment. Also

Skills in Demand Visa will replace the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) Visa with a three-tiered system based on applicants’ annual wages and employment. Also The new ‘Skills in Demand’ visa addresses labour needs, offering more time to find sponsors and clearer paths to permanent citizenship. Independent verification will confirm skill shortages, incentivizing firms to attract and retain qualified people.

The new skilled in demand visa have 3 separate pathways
- Specialist Skills Pathways: Specialist Skill Pathway will no longer on skilled occupation list but will require a minimum salary of $135,000, and providing a fast 7- processing time
- Core Skill Pathways: The largest pathway for temporary skilled migrants, featuring a regularly updated occupation list and minimum earnings of at least at the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), set at $70,000.
- Essential Skills Pathway – Targeted at lower paid workers: Under evaluation for lower-paid workers, with details to be finalized in early to mid-2024.
Streamline Workforce Testing :
This will be accomplished by eliminating the need to advertise opportunities on Workforce Australia (beginning immediately). The department may also shift from employer-led labour market testing to independent verification of labour market demand.
Work Flexibility :
The agency recognizes workplace mobility as beneficial and essential for employee development. Moving forward, any time spent with an approved employment will count towards permanent residence criteria. The job search period will also increase to 180 days from the current 60 days.
Modernizing accreditation pathways for Approved Sponsors:
The initiative will facilitate approved sponsors’ access to migrant workers. Also The government will expand the accredited sponsor program to include start-ups funded by recognized venture capital.
Conclusion :
Introduction of the Skills in Demand Visa marks a significant overhaul of Australia’s temporary skilled migration framework. Also the new visa streamlines processes, boosts job flexibility, and expands residency paths, meeting labour demands and aiding skilled migrants. These changes will boost Australia’s economy and help migrants pursue rewarding careers and long-term settlement.